Welcome to the National Bus and Coach Show 2024
Bussies, bus enthusiasts and professionals alike will converge on Brisbane this coming 17 to 18 September for 2024's National Bus and Coach Show. Hosted by the Bus Industry Confederation this year, the event will take place at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre.
Whether you're on the driving end of a bus, an associated company or just a lover of buses in general, be sure NOT to miss your opportunity to mix and mingle with the bus and coach industry's finest. The Show will offer a large array of products and services on the exhibition floor, featuring the latest trends in the zero-emissions, energy and infrastructure space, plus vintage and autonomous buses as well. All visitors will have the opportunity to ‘talk shop’ at a number of great social events, including toolbox and tech talks to learn from industry experts on emerging and future technologies.
This is a great opportunity for anyone involved in the mobility chain, be it manufacturers, suppliers, operators and governments, to actively engage first-hand with the latest offerings from the bus and coach industry.
General admission to the 2024 Show is FREE, however, all attendees MUST register.
Group registrations for 4 or more attendees registering (and paying) together can be done on our GROUP REGISTRATION SITE.
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